This tapestry was designed by Edward Burne-Jones and woven by Morris & Co. in 1895-96 and is one of six panels illustrating the story of The Holy Grail. It represents the arming and the departure of the knights of the Round Table, among which Sir Bors, Sir Percival and Sir Galahad. The ladies of the court help the knights prepare. Guinevere is seen handing Sir Lancelot his shield, an element that symbolises their eventual betrayal of Arthur. The original is in the Birmingham Museum.
Dimensions of the tapestry without border: 54" x 40".
Dimensions of the tapestry with border: 58" x 46".
Material: 53% Viscose, 41% Cotton, 4% Polyester, 2% Mix Fiber, Top Quality Woven Belgian Tapestry,
Fully lined & finished with tapestry rod sleeve.
This beautiful medieval tapestry will add elegance and luxury to any home decor. Great addition to any medieval history inspired collection or any medieval tapestry collection!

Arthurian Medieval Tapestry The Quest for the Holy Grail - The Knights